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 seminar in media and political theory 


 Primary Focus 

The Seminar on Populism (2017-18), co-lead with Giuseppe Fidotta and Joaquin Serpe, examines populist media, popular culture, and political theory. Focused on a wide range of approaches to populism and populist media, as well as current irruptions, the working group reconsiders how different political projects and movements articulate the anxieties, desires, and tastes of the “people” into their discourses. To address the confusions associated with "populisms" manifold uses, the seminar pays particular attention to the role of media and mediation, and argues for a transition for "populist media" to "media populism."


*Note: a special issue examining "Media Populism" is forthcoming in the journal Culture Machine in November 2019. The issue is edited by Joshua Neves, Giuseppe Fidotta, and Joaquin Serpe, and includes essays by: David Bering-Porter, Patrick Brodie, Kay Dickinson, Dilip Goankar,  Bishnupriya Ghosh, Weixian Pan, Jason Pine, and Arvind Rajagopal.

Populist Media, Popular Culture and Political Theory Working Group

Seminar in Media and Political Theory: Populism


2017-2018 Annual Initiatives & Working Groups

Cinema in the Midst of Struggle

Screening Series, Organized by Sima Kokotovic, Egor Shmonin​, and Patrick Brian Smith

Life Streaming Working Group

Organizers: Patrick Brodie, Weixian Pan, Joaquin Serpe


Lecture and Master Class by Andrea Masu, Organized with support from the Institute for Urban Futures

Documentary Making as Wayfinding in Singapore

Master Class with Tan Pin Pin, in conjunction with RIDM

ENZO TRAVERSO SEMINAR: Left-Wing Melancholia

Seminar with Enzo Traverso (Cornell)

Works-In-Progress Working Group

Organizers: Patrick Brodie, Patrick Smith & Viviane Saglier


Documenting Capital: Intersections of Free Trade Zone Architecture and Digital Filmmaking

Patrick Brodie and Patrick Brian Smith (Concordia University)

Excavating the Invisible: Mapping Subaltern Solidarity

Sabah Haider

The Migrant Cinema: Indigenous Tibetan Films 

Yi Cui (York University)

Historiographies of the Present: Whither Our Imaginations of Futurity and Solidarity?

Dr. Mihaela Brebenel (University of Southampton)

Film Production Worlds: Fragments from Myanmar

Theo Stojanov (Concordia University)


2017-2018 Sponsored Talks, Workshops & Events

Filming Revolution and the Non-Narrative Poetics of the Database

Talk by Alisa Lebow (University of Sussex)

Cloud Policy: Anatomy of a Regulatory Crisis

Talk by Jennifer Holt (UCSB)

Joshua Clover’s Talk – The Two No’s

Talk co-organized with Cinema in the Midst of Struggle screening series

Intimate Attunements: Legacies of Sonar and Sexual Surveillance on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula

Talk by Alix Johnson (UC Santa Cruz), Co-organized with Ethnography Lab

Pornography's Graphical Interface

Lecture by Patrick Keilty (University of Toronto)

"Underground cinema will soon invade the Beautiful American Home”: The 8mm Reduction Print as Poor Image of the 1960s

Lecture by Erika Balsom (King's College London)

Contemporary East Asian Postinternet Art of the Moving Image

Lecture by Jihoon Kim (Chung-ang University, South Korea)

The unstable object: Screening and discussion with filmmaker Daniel Eisenberg

Screening and Discussion with Daniel Eisenberg (School of Art Institute of Chicago)

Conversations in Contemporary Art Presents: Kevin B. Lee

Lecture by Kevin B. Lee

Understanding Extraction

Seminar with Sandro Mezzadra (Università di Bologna)

VISIONS: THE DIASPORA SUITE: A Selection of Works by Ephraim Asili 

Screenings in collaboration with Visions & La Lumière Collective

VISIONS: Sky Hopinka - American Traditional War Songs + ​​What Was Always Yours and Never Lost

Screenings in collaboration with Visions, Montreal First Peoples Festival & La Lumière Collective

Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University, 1250 Guy Street, FB 319,Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3H 2T4

Mailing address: Gem Lab, School of Cinema, FB 319, Concordia University, 

1455 Maisonneuve BLVD. West, Montreal, QC Canada, H3G 1M4

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