Egor Shmonin
Member, Formerly Organizing Member
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Born and raised in Russia, I hold a BA and MA from Smolny College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in St. Petersburg with a major in Contemporary Art and Film Criticism. As a video artist and curator, I constantly navigated the borders between the digital and the analogue, cultural identity and colonial history, personal narratives and collective memory. For several years, I’ve been working as a Film festival curator and manager in Saint Petersburg
Currently, I am a PhD student in Film Studies at Concordia. My research is focused on undergoing processes and changes occurred in the post-socialist societies and cultures before and after 1989. My project is dealing with the post-conflict situation and decontamination of the cultural environment in Balkan region during the collapse of the USSR.
He started the Cinema in the Midst of Struggle screening series.
PhD in Film and Moving Image Studies | Concordia University | Montreal - Canada | Started 2016
MA in Art Criticism | St. Petersburg State University | Russia | 2013
BA in Film and Video | St. Petersburg State University | Russia | 2011