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Joshua Neves previews forthcoming book in Heliotrope journal

GEM Lab director Joshua Neves has written a short essay in the journal Heliotrope, a project based out of the Environmental Media Lab at the University of Calgary. The piece previews one of his forthcoming projects, a collaborative book titled TechnoPharmacology with Aleena Chia, Susanna Paasonen, and Ravi Sundaram (currently under review with the open-access publisher Meson Press at the University of Minnesota). Read the essay here and find out more about the questions, provocations, and intersections that are animating Josh’s many current research projects.

From our "governing collective" page: Joshua Neves' research centers on global and digital media, with a particular focus on China, Asia and the Global South; cultural theory and political theory; problems of development and legitimacy; media urbanism; digital ethnography; cultures of optimization; in/convenience.

He is the author of Underglobalization: Beijing’s Media Urbanism and the Chimera of Legitimacy (Duke University Press, March 2020) and co-editor (w/ Bhaskar Sarkar) of Asian Video Cultures: in the Penumbra of the Global (Duke University Press, 2017). Dr. Neves has co-edited journal special issues on “Media Populism” (Culture Machine), “Optimization” (Review of Communication), and Paranoia (Discourse, in progress). His essays are published in Social Text, Discourse, Film Quarterly, Cultural Critique, Sarai, Cinema Journal, The Media Fields Journal, Culture Machine, Review of Communication, Rethinking Chinese Television, A Companion to Documentary Film History, The Routledge Companion to Risk and Media, Critical Approaches to Contemporary Architecture, among others.

​Dr. Neves is currently working on three book projects: (1) a collaborative book w/ Aleena Chia, Susanna Paasonen, and Ravi Sundaram on TechnoPharmacology (under review with Meson Press / University of Minnesota Press); (2) a popular book, Data Pharmacy, exploring contemporary relations between data and pharmaceutical capitalisms; (3) and a monograph, tentatively titled Smart Bodies, examining how global smart technologies shape emergent cultures of optimization that reimagine human capacities and unequally distribute augmentation across the world system.


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