April 15 - 16, 2016
Concordia University, FB630.15
The 2016 Seminar in Media and Political Theory will take place in the Global Emergent Media (GEM) Lab on Concordia University's Sir George Williams campus.
For this iteration, the workshop borrows from the "political concepts" (http://www.politicalconcepts.org/issue1/) conference and online publication model, but reworks it to (1) emphasize "works in progress" (and not fully developed dictionary or lexicon entries), and (2) emphasize and encounter between media theory and political theory. The aim is to foster generative discussions about a key concepts animating current research, and to bring together a wide range of scholars and subfields across media studies.
There are a limited number of spaces for faculty and graduate student participants. To register for the event, please send an email to: gemlab.concordia@gmail.com
Charles Acland (Concordia).................................GENERATION Darin Barney (McGill).................................................SABOTAGE
Brooke Belisle (SUNY Stonybrook)....................CONNECTION
Anita Say Chan (Univ of Illinois).........................MODULARITY Michelle Cho (McGill)..........................................................GENRE
Brian Larkin (Barnard College)............................TECHNIQUES
Masha Salazkina (Concordia)………..………...CONTACT ZONES
Kalindi Vora (UC San Diego)...........................REPRODUCTION
Friday, April 15
1:00pm Welcome: Joshua Neves (Concordia University)
1:30 Kalindi Vora (UC San Diego)..........................................REPRODUCTION
2:30 Michelle Cho (McGill University).................................GENRE
3:45 Brooke Belisle (SUNY Stony Brook)...........................CONNECTION
4:45 Charles Acland (Concordia University)....................GENERATION
RECEPTION: 6 – 7pm at Kafein
Saturday, April 16
1:15 Brian Larkin (Barnard College)....................................TECHNIQUES
2:15 Masha Salazkina (Concordia)…………………………...CONTACT ZONES
3:30 Anita Say Chan (Univ. of Illinois).................................MODULARITY
4:30 Darin Barney (McGill University)................................SABOTAGE