Feminist Media Studio
The Feminist Media Studio supports and critically engages with complex visual representations of gendered social life under conditions of political struggle, armed conflict, exploitation, and disenfranchisement in the globalized present. The political potency of feminist media practice—artists’ and activists’ use of installations, performance, public engagements, and web-based platforms to make appeals for change or to hack systemic forms of gender bias—form the subject of collective and collaborative study, taking the form of political, artistic, and academic engagements.
Screen Cultures Research Group
The Canadian Educational, Sponsored, and Industrial Film Archive is a research hub for scholars, students, historians, and archivists. Featured is our growing comprehensive database of Canadian-produced film titles in the broadly defined genres of educational, sponsored, and industrial motion pictures. With each of our entries, you will find such information as production credits, holding institutions, and description of subject matter. News, bibliographical material, and critical commentary are also a part of this website. A sample of films can also be viewed. Explore the website and discover the world of Canadian educational, sponsored, and industrial film.
Concordia Documentary Center
Founded in 2005, the Concordia Documentary Centre is an interdisciplinary research centre for scholarly research and creative activity within the field of documentary arts. It is a home for researchers, teachers, students, documentary artists and archivists committed to the advancement of documentary research at Concordia University.
Media History Research Centre (MHRC)
Media History is an interdisciplinary research center engaging with the historical development of media change and communication. The center focuses on nascent, yet robust subfields such as media archaeology, variantology, new materialism, circulation theory, and technology writing. Current projects underway include the data mining and visualization search tool, Project Arclight, POD, and Residual Media Depot’s collection of early video game consoles.
Speculative Life
This research group focuses on fostering science and technology studies, a focus on ecology and environment, interested in scale and networks, and finally, committed to futurity and imagination as critical to design, art, and scholarship.
This cluster of artists, designers and scholars presents an opportunity to develop the systemic study and creation of emerging technologies with a focus on social justice, difference, and imagination. They engage with multiple technical ecologies, from bio-media to urban planning, in order to foster creative ways to think about the future of the planetary scale transformations currently occurring as a result of human action and technical developments.
Center for Expanded Poetics
Initiated in 2014, the Centre for Expanded Poetics is based in the Department of English at Concordia University, Montréal. Full programming at the Centre will begin in 2015-2016, once the space is fully renovated and all infrastructure is in place. This will include a multi-touch table for interacting with digital models and texts; large screens for viewing digital poetry, archival texts, and experimental cinema; high-speed book scanning; digital video and photography equipment; 3D scanning and printing; small press equipment anchored by a risograph digital duplicator.
Project Arclight is building a web-based tool that enables the study of 20th century American media through comparisons across time and space. Interdisciplinary teams at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (United States, PI Eric Hoyt) and Concordia University (Canada, PI Charles Acland) are developing Arclight with the support of a Digging into Data grant with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (U.S.) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada).